Conference on Wind Energy and Wildlife Impact 2025
The biennial Conference on Wind Energy and Wildlife Impact (CWW) is an internationally recognized conference and one of the biggest conferences addressing the Wind energy / Wildlife topic. The mission of CWW is about bringing together the global community to share knowledge, tools and best practices on wind energy and wildlife interactions.
So far, there have been seven CWW events since the inaugural meeting in Norway in 2011, followed by Sweden in 2013, Germany in 2015, Portugal in 2017, Scotland in 2019, the Netherlands in 2022 and Croatia in 2023.
Every other year, CWW brings together researchers, consultants, wildlife technology companies, wind energy developers, regulators, financers and other interested parties to work together and share knowledge on science-based solutions to ecological concerns regarding wind power development.
The conference promotes a collaborative approach to resolving key ecological issues facing developers, investors, conservationists, decision makers and the public.
It brings together researchers, conservation scientists, wind industry professionals, and NGO representatives from around the world to share their know-how and experiences and develop solutions to avoid, minimize, and mitigate the impacts of wind farms on wildlife, both onshore and offshore. It also looks into the opportunities to enhance nature when developing wind farms.
The 8th Conference on Wind energy and Wildlife impacts (CWW 2025) will take place in Montpellier, France, 8-12 September 2025.
This conference will include:
– One day of scientific workshops
– 3 days of conference with a series of keynote talks, sessions and a poster reception
– A day of field trips focusing on both onshore and offshore wind, and nature heritage areas.
The CWW2025 is organized by an organizing committee formed of:
– Biotope, leading consultancy in ecology and environmental issues,
– France renouvelables, a major French professional association, which has been advocating for electric renewable energies, including wind power, for 25 years.
A scientific advisory committee (SAC) is built so as to support the organizing committee in ensuring the highest scientific quality of the conference, through various missions, including identifying main topics of the conference, reviewing posters and abstracts, moderating sessions… France énergies marines, the national reference institute for renewable marine energies, and Biotope will support the work of the scientific committee work.